Monday, May 9, 2011

I heart faces

This weeks photo challenge at iheartfaces was moterhood. When thinking of what pictures I had, well there aren't a whole lot of my mom because she is normally the one behind the lens. I did in fact remember a day hanging out with my step-mom and lil-sis. We were in the living room and I was taking a conventional pic while they were sitting on the sofa. While reviewing the first few shoots lil-sis was trying to give the far away and distant stare, looking off into space. My step mom said something of how it didnt quite fit the picture and zeroed in on... "but its your face." Well we erupted into massive fits of laughter and neither one could hold a straight face... along with me not being able to hold the camera straight (before i had an awesome flash!) I think this photo surrived to the naked eye mostly camera shake free and really encompasses a moment of motherhood!

Check out more great motherhood photos at I heart faces....

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